Freetown Secondary School For Girls (FSSG) Ex-Pupils, Texas Branch

The FSSGians TX Association was founded in June 2016 by a group of Freetown Secondary School For Girls (FSSG) Ex-Pupils who thought it fit to get involved in the development of their Alma mater. Since its inception, the organization has been led by dependable, passionate and fiercely dedicated presidents. The membership consists of Ex-pupils in Texas and other States. These ladies who are in all works of life, wanted to give back to the school which has played a key role in their lives. Educating girls is one of the best ways to reduce poverty, stop early marriage, prevent child abuse, promote good health and boost self-esteem. Being a product of the school inspired us to support this cause – better education for girls.

This group of ladies are located in the Dallas metro area, Houston and surrounding states.

School Prayer:

O God, we pray thee
To look mercifully on this school
Unite us together in love,
Teach us to be good to others,
Help us day by day
To live in Glory,
To grow in grace
And to be faithful in good works,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,

School Song:

Bright hopes did stir our founder’s mind
To build a school of national pride
Where the young with gifts of many varied kinds,
will develop side by side.
Thus as loyal citizens, FSSGians learn
to excel. They have grit, they have drive,
all the world can tell. Then from all around,
let our voices sound!
FSSGians, FSSGians, play up, play up.
FSSGians, play up, play up, play up
All play the Game