Freetown Secondary School For Girls (FSSG) Ex-Pupils, Texas Branch


O God, we pray thee
To look mercifully on this school
Unite us together in love,
Teach us to be good to others,
Help us day by day
To live in Glory,
To grow in grace
And to be faithful in good works,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,


Bright hopes did stir our founder’s mind
To build a school of national pride
Where the young with gifts of many varied kinds,
will develop side by side
Thus as loyal citizens, FSSGians learn
to excel; they have grit, they have drive,
all the world can tell; then from all around,
let our voices sound!
FSSGians, FSSGians, play up, play up
FSSGians, play up, play up, play up
All play the game

In the school of life with heart and mind and hand
We strive only for the best
For this our school, for this our native land
We will stand up to the test
So with Zeal and with Zest, our lives we bend
To the task in hand, right to the end
Then from all around
Let our voices sound
FSSGians, FSSGians, play up, play up
FSSGians, play up, play up, play up
All play the game

When in the school of life, we as adults start
This is the word that we all declare
High ideas, fair play; these are what we’ve learned
From teachers true and schoolmates dear
So, with confidence and faith, our paths we tread
With the goal in mind, forging right ahead
Now from all around
Let our voices sound
FSSGians, FSSGians, play up, play up
FSSGians, play up, play up, play up
All play the game